Sunday, May 31, 2009

I Weep for You, My Friend

As I knelt to pray today, I couldnt help but weep for you. I had just finished hearing a sermon on being SLAVES to GOD. You, my friend, are the epitome of a slave of Christ. You have shown me more strenth than a thousand men, more endurance that a marathon runner, more obedience than I have ever seen from anyone ever. Your dependence in the Lord has humbled me.

I weep for you because I am not there with you...because you are going through the most painful experience ever. "Worse than death" I have heard it described...but yet, I stand in awe.

I am in awe of your constant prayerful attitude...I am amazed by your teachful spirit...I have never respected anyone, EVER, as much as I do you.

Please know I pray for you...I hurt for you...and I weep for you, but most of all...I LOVE YOU!!!


P.S. I lit a candle for you.

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