Friday, June 5, 2009

Our House, is a very, very, very fine house.

That's right we are buying a house!!

I have to admit I am not as freaked out about this house as I was about buying the last one. Maybe because I know the process this time, and I see it everyday at work.

Anyways...we are going to close on June 26th, and have a whole LOT of work to do once we get in.

New Carpet
New Countertops in kitchen and bathrooms.
New fans and other light fixtures
Yard work
New knobs and pulls
Retexture the ceiling
Make the fireplace be "not ugly"

Lots of stuff

Luckily Jacob has the summer off and he can work on it all day, everyday.

But, hopefully all the hard work will be worth the effort. And very soon, we will call the house, "Our Home".

I will post pictures of the finished product.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you guys. I can't wait to see the pictures. You have to show me when I see you this week. I am psyched to see. Two days!!! Woohoo!!!
