Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Exciting for me, maybe not the rest of you

So, I got a call last week confirming that I would be a judge for the Miss Mary Hardin-Baylor Pageant.

I was super excited! It is November 5 and 6th.

I was the director of the Miss MHB pageant in college and really enjoyed. I also secretly wanted to be a judge someday.

So, I am planning my approach as a judge, and of ways to make sure I choose the right girl. Its gonna be hard to see through who is being genuine and who is just putting on a front for the pageant.

If you do not watch "Parks and Recreation" you should, b/c there is an episode where Leslie Knope judges the Miss Pawnee Pagent, and she is very serious about it. I think I am totally going to be like that, except she makes a speech at the end, and I dont think I will do that. I really hope not.

Thanks for reading.



  1. How exciting Carly!!! You were a wonderful director and I know you will be a great judge also. Some of my best college memories are from Miss MHB. You'll have to post about how it goes!!

  2. Awesome! I too secretly want to judge something some day :)

    Oh and that episode of Parks and Recreation is the episode that got me hooked on the show! My favorite line "I'm April and I like people, places, and things."
